This past April, the Independent Film & Television Promotional Awards (IFTPA) were judged in Amsterdam. Roughly 4900 entrees were submitted from all over the globe. Entrees were judged within their selected categories on: Overall Presentation, Color Harmony, Poster Design, Promotional Design, Packaging, Loose Promotion, Web Site, Typography, Viewing Impact, Budget and 9 additional categories.
After a 40-day tiered judging process, the winners were notified this past week. Oakley Design Studios® was awarded 7 Gold’s, 6 Excellence, and 2 Honorary Merits.
After the initial shock, here’s the list of winning awards:
Not Dead Yet | film – Overall Promotional Packaging & Presentation
Not Dead Yet | film – Theater Display Poster (Poster Design & Color Harmony)
Rocketboys | film – Teaser Poster (Poster Design, Color Harmony & Typography)

Not Dead Yet | film – Loose Promotion & Budget
Not Dead Yet | film – Web Site
Rocketboys | film – Viewing Impact & Logo Design
Live at Six | TV – Logo Design
Stray Cat | TV – Typography
Live at Six | TV – Typography
Not Dead Yet | film – Loose Promotion & Budget
Not Dead Yet | film – Web Site
Rocketboys | film – Viewing Impact & Logo Design
Live at Six | TV – Logo Design
Stray Cat | TV – Typography
Live at Six | TV – Typography
As mentioned, we were stunned that we took a nice selection of awards, considering this was our first year in entering this competition. Since 1979, the Independent Film & Television Promotional Awards has honored the best of the best in all aspects of independent film and/or television promotions. Their only criteria, 1) the budget of the film must be under 1.15 million, 2) the television pilot under 450K, 3) overall promotional budget under 150K.
To quote one of the judges – “it’s great to see that a small shop like yours, produce incredible work like the big boys – if not better”.
This is an honor Oakley Design® will cherish for a very long time.